Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Bunny Meets Jesus

With Easter coming up there's been lots of talk about bunnies, candy, and Easter baskets. Mateo is in the stage of asking lots of questions and so, naturally, had questions about the easter bunny. In trying to raise a household of faith, I attempted (poorly because I was caught off guard) to integrate the real reason for the holiday into the conversation. Here is what transpired.

Mateo: Me see easter bunny again?

Me: No. We only get to see the easter bunny once a year.

Mateo: Why?

Me: Uhhh...cause he has to go home.

Mateo: Where his home?

Me: Easter Island! Yeah, that's right.


Feeling like I needed to explain further...

The easter bunny comes out once a year to....visit good boys and girls bunny comes to our house on easter eve and leaves candy and celebrate Jesus!

Mateo: (blank stare)

Me: Any questions?

Mateo: No.

Now how exactly would one correlate the easter bunny with the story of Jesus? Because I feel like I missed the mark.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! The pics are so cute!
    I still haven't figured out how to correlate the Easter Bunny with Easter....That's a tough one.
