Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Best News Ever! (Need Your Help)

If you are not a Twilight fan you might want to skip this one.

My birthday is June 12th. My best-est friend ever (yes I just said best-est. No I'm not 12) lives in Indianapolis. Last year when New Moon premiered she went with some girlfriends to the midnight showing. I didn't. I saw it a couple weeks later with my begrudging husband. And I was jealous.

BUT. This year will be different. After lots of negotiating, making phone calls, calling in favors, begging, etc. I have a ticket to Indianapolis (for one) leaving on June 28 and coming home July 1st.

So....my bff and I get to shove our way through the lines of swooning teenagers to get a good seat for the most exciting event of the year! I've never ever done this before, and I know it's kinda dorky, but I'm looking forward to it. What's wrong with re-living youth once in a while right?

Now, the problem is, I need a t-shirt. Well, actually, a second t-shirt. I'm already buying the one below to wear the day before Eclipse.

But I want to wear a Jasper themed shirt for the actual movie. He's my favorite character. These are the choices below. I'm taking a vote. Pick a first and second favorite and leave it in my comments. The one with the most votes is the one I'll buy :)

"because calm is the new sexy"

"Jasper is my anti-depressant"

"Jasper? Oh HALE yes!"

"Jasper Hale; Screwing with your emotions since 1863"
(But not as a maternity shirt. Hopefully.)

So, which one do you like best?


  1. #1 Team Jasper
    #2 Jasper is my antidepressant

    Sounds very exciting! I am happy for you!

  2. #1 Jasper? Oh Hale Yes! (SOOOO AWESOME!!!)

    #2 Jasper Hale; Screwing with your emotions since 1863"

    I am an EXTREMELY avid Die-Hard Twi-Hard. Hope you have a good time with your friend seeing the movie! I know I'll be there opening night!!

  3. I'm in Indy two to three times a week!! Have a great time.
