Saturday, August 21, 2010

Things Not to Say

I was in the waiting room for Mateo's speech therapy and the kids were playing on the floor. I noticed a lady watching us closely. Then she said...

You're kids are gorgeous. Your husband must be very handsome.

Excuse me? Did I just hear you correctly? Am I not supposed to be offended that my kids would be cute only from him?

I had half a mind to say

No he's just as ugly as I am. We don't know where the kids got their looks from.

But I didn't. I graciously explained that they were adopted. What are people thinking?


  1. That seriously is too funny. People can be so rude!!

  2. I actually laughed out loud at this one. Seriously? That is the most backhanded compliment ever.

    Reminds me of when my cousin's babysitter said (in Spanish) "The boy (my cousin) is so cute, but the parents are so ugly!" My aunt speaks Spanish. Fluently.


  3. What? Really? Some people should never open their mouths before going through a simple mental checklist of 1. Is this appropriate? 2. Is this offensive? 3. Is it necessary? 4. Will it make me look like a jackass?
